In this article you will find the steps to create a mission and upload your data.
Create a map with multiple objectives
To get started ensure you are logged into the platform and select + Create a map from the top right corner on the main nav.
We have added the ability to have multiple objectives with in one mission, this will help you manage your information and data. We currently have 2 objective types.
Mapping - A simple mapping objective to upload data and request processing into outputs (orthophotos, hillshades etc).
Custom - A custom objective to upload drone data for visualization on our map view. (Image location, video footage etc)
4. Select an objective type
5. Create an objective name
6. Add an objective brief
7. Upload or draw a KML, this is the bounding area for your capture.
You can select a KML colour, edit your KML by selecting the points and view additional information about it.
8. Save your objective
You can add as many objectives as your would like to your mission.
9. Once you have finished adding your objectives you will need to confirm to save the mission.
From here you can preform the below:
Upload your data
Edit/Delete the objective
Navigate back to the details tab (First one) to edit the mission details or add additional mission objectives
Return to the details page (Select the Birdi logo) to share your mission
Upload your data
Once you have created your mission objectives you can either upload from the map screen on the objective cards or via the details screen and select the upload button.
4. Follow the upload steps through to completion.
5. You can now visualize your data on the map.
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