These enhancements ensure that media assets are efficiently categorized and accessible to all users within a shared map. This feature is available for drone still imagery, 360s, panoramas, and videos as well as any geo-referenced ground based imagery.
Selecting imagery to tag or comment
You can add tags and comments in two primary ways:
From the Map View: Click on a media icon on the map to open the media panel and add tags or comments.
From the Layers Tab: Select the media in the layer inspector to open and modify its details.
While will open a Media inspector, with the Media thumbnail as the default view. You can select the Tag or Comment tab.
How to add Tags
From the Media inspector, select the Tags tab
Tags are single words or short phrases used to categorize media.
Examples: office, carpark, damage, stockpile, etc, which you can create and customize to suit each mapping project.
If a tag does not exist, the system will prompt users to create a new one.
Tagged imagery will display on the map with a small yellow icon. The number associated refers to the number of tags on that image.
How to add Comments
From the Media inspector, select the Comments tab.
Comments allow users to add detailed information about a photo.
These notes provide context beyond simple tags.
How to view media table and export as a CSV
From the layers toolbox
Select the table icon
This will display the meta data of the images, plus the tags and comments added to the images
From here you can organise and sort the columns, or export it as a csv by selecting the ... menu
For any questions or further assistance, reach out to Birdi Support via email or chat.
What's Next?
Include further reading links from the knowledge base