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How to upload media to your Birdi 2.0 Map

Steps to upload preprocessed and unprocessed images and other supported files to Birdi.

Kayley Greenland avatar
Written by Kayley Greenland
Updated over a month ago

This articles provides a step by step to uploading any images, files, 360s, orthomosaics and other hosted media. For a full list of supported media, refer to “supported media article”

Create a map

To get started, log into the Birdi platform and select + Create a map, or select your existing map from the navigation menu on the main dashboard.

  1. Create a map name

  2. Select a map location (e.g. a street address or location]

  3. Add a map brief (Optional step - description of your map)

Once your map is created, access it from the dashboard. Navigate to the Layers Panel to begin organizing and uploading media.

Creating Folders

  1. Organize Your Media

    • Use folders to categorize your media based on file types or processing outputs.

    • Examples:

      • Create a folder (by clicking the folder icon) for images used in orthomosaic processing (that is, the images you wish to use to create your map).

      • Create separate folders for annotations, shapefiles, or other media such as 360° images and videos.

      • If you are adding media from multiple dates, you could use these as headings also. Some examples of Folders and subfolders are shown below, along with the Add Folder pop up.

Uploading Media

  1. Add a New Layer: In the Layers Panel, hover over the + Add Layer button and select Upload Media.

Upload Your Files

  • A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to either browse your files or drag and drop them directly into the interface.

Check Upload Progress

  • Once the upload is complete, a green tick icon will appear next to your file.

  • You can safely navigate away from the upload dialogue box during this process; the upload will continue in the background.

Rendering Media on the Map

  • Media types will render differently on the map:

    • Icons: For files like Photos and 360° images, an icon will appear.

    • Rendered Layers: Files like GeoTIFFs or orthomosaics will display as fully rendered map layers.

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