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Understanding the different media icons on your Birdi 2.0 Map
Understanding the different media icons on your Birdi 2.0 Map
Kayley Greenland avatar
Written by Kayley Greenland
Updated over a month ago

Birdi 2.0 displays icons on your map for your different georeferenced media, including videos, 360s, NADIR and oblique drone imagery. This article explains the different icons you can expect on your map.

NADIR Images

NADIR images are those taken at exactly 90° from the ground surface. These are typically the images you use for your orthomosaic mapping.

NADIR media will be shown as a small white arrow with a circular halo

When selected, the icon will show with a blue outline.

Tags associated with the image will show a small yellow icon with a number.

Oblique or Orbital Images

These are images taken at an angle, usually used for 3D modelling and side inspections.

Oblique media will be shown as a small white arrow icon with no halo.

When selected, the icon will show with a blue outline.

Tags associated with the image will show a small yellow icon with a number.

Geo-referenced Images with no orientation

Ground based images taken with a DSLR or phone with geo referencing information. Tip - You will need to ensure your geo locating is turned on in the device settings when capturing these images.

Ground based imagery will be shown as a small circular icon

When selected, the icon will show with a blue outline.

Tags associated with the image will show a small yellow icon with a number.

360 Images or Panoramas

360 images will show as a green teardrop icon.

When selected, the icon will show with a blue outline


Video’s taken by your drone can also be visualized on the map and played in media view.

Tip - If you wish to display the video path you will need to associate an SRT file with your video upload to for this to work.

Videos will show as a blue teardrop with a play button

When selected, the icon will show with a blue outline

Below are some examples of these icons on a map in Birdi 2.0

Feature Roadmap:

  • Media Metadata Enhancements: While name, file size, and additional metadata are not yet included in the media view, future updates will incorporate this information.

  • Tag and comment exporting: Similar to our annotation table view, we will soon be releasing functionality to export your tags and comments for streamlined reporting and site management.

For any questions or further assistance, reach out to Birdi Support via email or chat.

Here are some other helpful articles on using Media View and organising your layers.

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