If you don't have a .prj file for your DXF, or you want to visualise a DWG file in Birdi, you can follow these step-by-step instructions below to convert your file into a supported shapefile in QGIS, and then upload this to Birdi.
Step 1: Install QGIS
Before beginning the conversion process, ensure QGIS is installed on your machine. You can find a detailed guide on how to download and install QGIS here.
Step 2: Import DWG/DXF Files
Open QGIS and navigate to the following option: Project > Import/Export > Import Layers from DWG/DXF
2. Complete the dialogue box with appropriate settings
Source Drawing: Select the DWG/DXF file you want to convert.
CRS (Coordinate Reference System): Specify the projection of your CAD file (see source metadata to ensure this is correct)
Target Package: QGIS defaults to creating a Geopackage (GPKG) format at this step. Note that shapefiles cannot be created directly here.
Expand Block Geometries - Select appropriate extraction from the dropdown, “Expand Block Geometries”, “Expand Block Geometries and Add Insert Points”, or “Add Only Insert Points”, depending on the content of your file or your project requirements.
Once geometrics and points are expanded, select the layers you wish to import .
3. Take note of the directory where the Geopackage will be saved, as you’ll need it for the next steps.
4. Click OK to import your DWG/DXF file into QGIS.
Step 3: Verify Imported CAD Geometry
Once the import is complete:
Check the results to ensure the CAD geometry has been imported correctly.
By default, all layers will be grouped into one. Expand the grouped layers to turn individual layers on or off as needed.
Step 4: Check georeferencing on your layers.
Add a basemap such as Open street map to your project to give you a visual reference point (Go to ‘Plug-ins and add the Open Street Map Plug in if you haven’t already)
From the browser panel, under XYZ tiles, right click on Open Street Map to add this to your project,
If your layer is not visualising where you expect it on the map, you will need to georeference your layer to correct the alignment.
If you do not have coordinates, this is a great video tutorial for manual realignment - Manual Vector Georeferencing
If you do have coordinates, you can use Affine Transformation plug in. We recommend this tutorial - Georeference a DXF
Step 5: Convert GPKG to SHP
To convert your Geopackage (GPKG) to a shapefile (SHP):
Right-click each layer in the Layers panel and select Export > Save Features As.
In the dialog box that appears:
Choose ESRI Shapefile as the format.
Specify the directory where you want to save the shapefile.
Click OK to export the layer.
Repeat this process for each layer you wish to convert to SHP format.
Step 5: ZIP your shapefile components and upload to Birdi.
To zip your shapefile and upload to Birdi for visualisation, you can refer to these helpful articles: